Results for 'Paul E. Delaney'

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    Social Care assistive ‘Telecare’ technology: ethical implications as integration with secondary mental health models gathers pace.Paul E. Delaney - 2015 - Ethics and Social Welfare 9 (4):413-419.
  2. Evolution, Dysfunction, and Disease: A Reappraisal.Paul E. Griffiths & John Matthewson - 2018 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 69 (2):301-327.
    Some ‘naturalist’ accounts of disease employ a biostatistical account of dysfunction, whilst others use a ‘selected effect’ account. Several recent authors have argued that the biostatistical account offers the best hope for a naturalist account of disease. We show that the selected effect account survives the criticisms levelled by these authors relatively unscathed, and has significant advantages over the BST. Moreover, unlike the BST, it has a strong theoretical rationale and can provide substantive reasons to decide difficult cases. This is (...)
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    Computational properties of argument systems satisfying graph-theoretic constraints.Paul E. Dunne - 2007 - Artificial Intelligence 171 (10-15):701-729.
  4. What Emotions Really Are: The Problem of Psychological Categories.Paul E. Griffiths - 1997 - University of Chicago Press.
    Paul E. Griffiths argues that most research on the emotions has been as misguided as Aristotelian efforts to study "superlunary objects" - objects...
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  5. Darwinism and Developmental Systems.Paul E. Griffiths & Russell D. Gray - 2001 - In Susan Oyama, Paul Griffiths & Russell D. Gray (eds.), Cycles of Contingency: Developmental Systems and Evolution. MIT Press. pp. 195-218.
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  6. Relations vs functions at the foundations of logic: type-theoretic considerations.Paul E. Oppenheimer & Edward N. Zalta - 2011 - Journal of Logic and Computation 21:351-374.
    Though Frege was interested primarily in reducing mathematics to logic, he succeeded in reducing an important part of logic to mathematics by defining relations in terms of functions. By contrast, Whitehead & Russell reduced an important part of mathematics to logic by defining functions in terms of relations (using the definite description operator). We argue that there is a reason to prefer Whitehead & Russell's reduction of functions to relations over Frege's reduction of relations to functions. There is an interesting (...)
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  7. The compleat autocerebroscopist: A thought-experiment on professor Feigl's mind-body identity thesis.Paul E. Meehl - 1966 - In Paul Feyerabend (ed.), Mind, matter, and method. Minneapolis,: University of Minnesota Press. pp. 184-248.
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  8. Function, homology and character individuation.Paul E. Griffiths - 2006 - Philosophy of Science 73 (1):1-25.
    I defend the view that many biological categories are defined by homology against a series of arguments designed to show that all biological categories are defined, at least in part, by selected function. I show that categories of homology are `abnormality inclusive'—something often alleged to be unique to selected function categories. I show that classifications by selected function are logically dependent on classifications by homology, but not vice-versa. Finally, I reject the view that biologists must use considerations of selected function (...)
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  9. The concept of emergence.Paul E. Meehl & Wilfrid S. Sellars - 1956 - In Herbert Feigl & Michael Scriven (eds.), Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science. , Vol. pp. 239--252.
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    Coherence in finite argument systems.Paul E. Dunne & T. J. M. Bench-Capon - 2002 - Artificial Intelligence 141 (1-2):187-203.
  11. Emotions as natural and normative kinds.Paul E. Griffiths - 2004 - Philosophy of Science 71 (5):901-911.
    In earlier work I have claimed that emotion and some emotions are not `natural kinds'. Here I clarify what I mean by `natural kind', suggest a new and more accurate term, and discuss the objection that emotion and emotions are not descriptive categories at all, but fundamentally normative categories.
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  12. Experimental philosophy of science.Paul E. Griffiths & Karola Stotz - 2008 - Philosophy Compass 3 (3):507–521.
    Experimental philosophy of science gathers empirical data on how key scientific concepts are understood by particular scientific communities. In this paper we briefly describe two recent studies in experimental philosophy of biology, one investigating the concept of the gene, the other the concept of innateness. The use of experimental methods reveals facts about these concepts that would not be accessible using the traditional method of intuitions about possible cases. It also contributes to the study of conceptual change in science, which (...)
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  13. Modularity, and the psychoevolutionary theory of emotion.Paul E. Griffiths - 1990 - Biology and Philosophy 5 (2):175-196.
    It is unreasonable to assume that our pre-scientific emotion vocabulary embodies all and only those distinctions required for a scientific psychology of emotion. The psychoevolutionary approach to emotion yields an alternative classification of certain emotion phenomena. The new categories are based on a set of evolved adaptive responses, or affect-programs, which are found in all cultures. The triggering of these responses involves a modular system of stimulus appraisal, whose evoluations may conflict with those of higher-level cognitive processes. Whilst the structure (...)
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  14. The historical turn in the study of adaptation.Paul E. Griffiths - 1996 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 47 (4):511-532.
    A number of philosophers and ‘evolutionary psychologists’ have argued that attacks on adaptationism in contemporary biology are misguided. These thinkers identify anti-adaptationism with advocacy of non-adaptive modes of explanation. They overlook the influence of anti-adaptationism in the development of more rigorous forms of adaptive explanation. Many biologists who reject adaptationism do not reject Darwinism. Instead, they have pioneered the contemporary historical turn in the study of adaptation. One real issue which remains unresolved amongst these methodological advances is the nature of (...)
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    Diseases are Not Adaptations and Neither are Their Causes.Paul E. Griffiths & John Matthewson - 2020 - Biological Theory 15 (3):136-142.
    In a recent article in this journal, Zachary Ardern criticizes our view that the most promising candidate for a naturalized criterion of disease is the "selected effects" account of biological function and dysfunction. Here we reply to Ardern’s criticisms and, more generally, clarify the relationship between adaptation and dysfunction in the evolution of health and disease.
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  16. Adaptive Explanation and the Concept of a Vestige.Paul E. Griffiths - 1994 - In David L. Hull (ed.), Review article. Springer. pp. 111-131.
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  17. Towards a 'Machiavellian' theory of emotional appraisal.Paul E. Griffiths - 2004 - In Dylan Evans & Pierre Cruse (eds.), Emotion, Evolution, and Rationality. Oxford University Press.
    The aim of appraisal theory in the psychology of emotion is to identify the features of the emotion-eliciting situation that lead to the production of one emotion rather than another2. A model of emotional appraisal takes the form of a set of dimensions against which potentially emotion-eliciting situations are assessed. The dimensions of the emotion hyperspace might include, for example, whether the eliciting situation fulfills or frustrates the subject’s goals or whether an actor in the eliciting situation has violated a (...)
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  18. The cultural evolution of emergent group-level traits.Paul E. Smaldino - 2014 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 37 (3):243-254.
    Many of the most important properties of human groups – including properties that may give one group an evolutionary advantage over another – are properly defined only at the level of group organization. Yet at present, most work on the evolution of culture has focused solely on the transmission of individual-level traits. I propose a conceptual extension of the theory of cultural evolution, particularly related to the evolutionary competition between cultural groups. The key concept in this extension is the emergent (...)
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    Characteristics of multiple viewpoints in abstract argumentation.Paul E. Dunne, Wolfgang Dvořák, Thomas Linsbichler & Stefan Woltran - 2015 - Artificial Intelligence 228 (C):153-178.
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    Weighted argument systems: Basic definitions, algorithms, and complexity results.Paul E. Dunne, Anthony Hunter, Peter McBurney, Simon Parsons & Michael Wooldridge - 2011 - Artificial Intelligence 175 (2):457-486.
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    Philosophy in the Renaissance of Islam: Abū Sulaymān al-Sijistānī and His CirclePhilosophy in the Renaissance of Islam: Abu Sulayman al-Sijistani and His Circle.Paul E. Walker & Joel L. Kraemer - 1989 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 109 (3):450.
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    The Ismaʿilis: Their History and DoctrinesThe Ismailis: Their History and Doctrines.Paul E. Walker & Farhad Daftary - 1992 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 112 (1):138.
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    The Mystical Philosophy of Ibn Masarra and His Followers.Paul E. Walker - 1983 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 103 (4):761.
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    The Rise of the Fatimids: The World of the Mediterranean and the Middle East in the Tenth Century CE.Paul E. Walker & Michael Brett - 2002 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 122 (3):638.
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    The computational complexity of ideal semantics.Paul E. Dunne - 2009 - Artificial Intelligence 173 (18):1559-1591.
  26. Evo-devo meets the mind: Toward a developmental evolutionary psychology.Paul E. Griffiths - 2007 - In Roger Sansom & Robert N. Brandon (eds.), Integrating Evolution and Development: From Theory to Practice. MIT Press. pp. 195-225.
    The emerging discipline of evolutionary developmental biology has opened up many new lines of investigation into morphological evolution. Here I explore how two of the core theoretical concepts in ‘evo-devo’ – modularity and homology – apply to evolutionary psychology. I distinguish three sorts of module – developmental, functional and mental modules and argue that mental modules need only be ‘virtual’ functional modules. Evolutionary psychologists have argued that separate mental modules are solutions to separate evolutionary problems. I argue that the structure (...)
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  27. Folk, functional and neurochemical aspects of mood.Paul E. Griffiths - 1989 - Philosophical Psychology 2 (1):17-32.
    It has been suggested that moods are higher order-dispositions. This proposal is considered, and various shortcomings uncovered. The notion of a higher-order disposition is replaced by the more general notion of a higher-order functional state. An account is given in which moods are higher-order functional states, and the overall system of moods is a higher-order functional description of the mind. This proposal is defended in two ways. First, it is shown to capture some central features of our pre-scientific conception of (...)
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  28. What is the developmentalist challenge?Paul E. Griffiths & Robin D. Knight - 1998 - Philosophy of Science 65 (2):253-258.
    Kenneth C. Schaffner's paper is an important contribution to the literature on behavioral genetics and on genetics in general. Schaffner has a long record of injecting real molecular biology into philosophical discussions of genetics. His treatments of the reduction of Mendelian to molecular genetics first drew philosophical attention to the problems of detail that have fuelled both anti-reductionism and more sophisticated models of theory reduction. An injection of molecular detail into discussions of genetics is particularly necessary at the present time, (...)
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    Eleventh-Century Egyptian Guide to the Universe: The Book of Curiosities. Edited and translated by Yossef Rapoport and Emilie Savage-Smith.Paul E. Walker - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 137 (4).
    An Eleventh-Century Egyptian Guide to the Universe: The Book of Curiosities. Edited and translated by Yossef Rapoport and Emilie Savage-Smith. Islamic Philosophy, Theology and Science, vol. 87. Leiden: Brill, 2014. Pp. xii + 698, illus. $289, €223.
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    Covert signaling is an adaptive communication strategy in diverse populations.Paul E. Smaldino & Matthew A. Turner - 2022 - Psychological Review 129 (4):812-829.
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  31. Instinct in the ‘50s: The British Reception of Konrad Lorenz’s Theory of Instinctive Behavior.Paul E. Griffiths - 2004 - Biology and Philosophy 19 (4):609-631.
    At the beginning of the 1950s most students of animal behavior in Britain saw the instinct concept developed by Konrad Lorenz in the 1930s as the central theoretical construct of the new ethology. In the mid 1950s J.B.S. Haldane made substantial efforts to undermine Lorenz''s status as the founder of the new discipline, challenging his priority on key ethological concepts. Haldane was also critical of Lorenz''s sharp distinction between instinctive and learnt behavior. This was inconsistent with Haldane''s account of the (...)
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  32. Psychology of Religion (Revised and Enlarged).Paul E. Johnston - 1959
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  33. Beyond the Baldwin effect: James Mark Baldwin's 'social heredity', epigenetic inheritance, and niche construction.Paul E. Griffiths - 2003 - In Bruce H. Weber & David J. Depew (eds.), Evolution and Learning: The Baldwin Effect Reconsidered. MIT Press. pp. 193--215.
    I argue that too much attention has been paid to the Baldwin effect. George Gaylord Simpson was probably right when he said that the effect is theoretically possible and may have actually occurred but that this has no major implications for evolutionary theory. The Baldwin effect is not even central to Baldwin's own account of social heredity and biology-culture co-evolution, an account that in important respects resembles the modern ideas of epigenetic inheritance and niche-construction.
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  34. The degeneration of the cognitive theory of emotions.Paul E. Griffiths - 1989 - Philosophical Psychology 2 (3):297-313.
    The type of cognitive theory of emotion traditionally espoused by philosophers of mind makes two central claims. First, that the occurrence of propositional attitudes is essential to the occurrence of emotions. Second, that the identity of a particular emotional state depends upon the propositional attitudes that it involves. In this paper I try to show that there is little hope of developing a theory of emotion which makes these claims true. I examine the underlying defects of the programme, and show (...)
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  35. Is loyalty enough?Paul E. Johnson - 1944 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 25 (2):144.
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  36. Psychology and Values.Paul E. Johnson - 1959 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 40 (3):272.
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  37. Chartism, class discourse, and the captain of industry: social agency in past and present.Paul E. Kerry & Marylu Hill - 2010 - In Thomas Carlyle Resartus: Reappraising Carlyle's Contribution to the Philosophy of History, Political Theory, and Cultural Criticism. Fairleigh Dickinson University Press.
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  38. Specific etiology and other forms of strong influence: Some quantitative meanings.Paul E. Meehl - 1977 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 2 (1):33-53.
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  39. Current Emotion Research in Philosophy.Paul E. Griffiths - 2013 - Emotion Review 5 (2):215-222.
    There remains a division between the work of philosophers who draw on the sciences of the mind to understand emotion and those who see the philosophy of emotion as more self-sufficient. This article examines this methodological division before reviewing some of the debates that have figured in the philosophical literature of the last decade: whether emotion is a single kind of thing, whether there are discrete categories of emotion, and whether emotion is a form of perception. These questions have been (...)
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  40. Unto Others: The Evolution and Psychology of Unselfish Behavior.Paul E. Griffiths - 2002 - Mind 111 (441):178-182.
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    Historical particularities and concept formation: Comments on Burnett and Palmer.Paul E. Peterson - 1967 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 5 (4):407-422.
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    Karma and Rebirth in Classical Indian Traditions.Paul E. Muller - 1982 - Philosophy East and West 32 (3):348-351.
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  43. Does consequentialism make too many demands, or none at all?Paul E. Hurley - 2006 - Ethics 116 (4):680-706.
  44. Functional analysis and proper functions.Paul E. Griffiths - 1993 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 44 (3):409-422.
    The etiological approach to ‘proper functions’ in biology can be strengthened by relating it to Robert Cummins' general treatment of function ascription. The proper functions of a biological trait are the functions it is assigned in a Cummins-style functional explanation of the fitness of ancestors. These functions figure in selective explanations of the trait. It is also argued that some recent etiological theories include inaccurate accounts of selective explanation in biology. Finally, a generalization of the notion of selective explanation allows (...)
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  45. Jihad e escravidão: as origens dos escravos muçulmanos da Bahia.Paul E. Lovejoy - 2000 - Topoi 1:11-44.
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  46. Cliometric metatheory III: Peircean consensus, verisimilitude, and asymptotic method.Paul E. Meehl - 2004 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 55 (4):615-643.
    Statistical procedures can be applied to episodes in the history of science in order to weight attributes to predict short-term survival of theories; an asymptotic method is used to show that short-term survival is a valid proxy for ultimate survival; and a theoretical argument is made that ultimate survival is a valid proxy for objective truth. While realists will appreciate this last step, instrumentalists do not need it to benefit from the actuarial procedures of cliometric metatheory. Introduction A plausible proxy (...)
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  47. Squaring the Circle: Natural Kinds with Historical Essences.Paul E. Griffiths - 1999 - In Robert Andrew Wilson (ed.), Species: New Interdisciplinary Essays. MIT Press. pp. 209-228.
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    Mills made of grist, and other interesting ideas in need of clarification.Paul E. Smaldino & Michael J. Spivey - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42:e182.
    Heyes’ book is an important contribution that rightly integrates cognitive development and cultural evolution. However, understanding the cultural evolution of cognitive gadgets requires a deeper appreciation of complexity, feedback, and self-organization than her book exhibits.
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    Solving Somebody Else's Blues: A Study of Police Mediation Activities.Paul E. Lawson - 1981 - Upa.
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    Foreword.Paul E. Szarmach - 1980 - Mediaevalia 6:7-7.
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